Horse Show Entry Applications
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Horse Entry Applications


Welcome to the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo’s Horse Show entry page. Everything you need to successfully complete your entries can be found here. Be mindful that incomplete or inaccurate entry documents can cause considerable delays, so please pay careful attention to all instructions outlining the proper procedures to complete your entry documents. Forms will be located above.

Online Entry Reminders:

  • All online entries must provide Responsible Party/Agent contact information in order to proceed to class listings.
  • At the end of the entry application, stalls and grounds passes may be purchased before paying.
  • All online entries must pay by credit card, where a 4% processing fee will be applied.
  • Please be patient with the entry form as it may take up to 30 seconds to a minute to load.
  • If entering more than 8 horses, you will need to fill out the form a second time.

PDF Paper Entry Reminders:

  • The PDF forms are "fillable," meaning you can complete and print them from your computer or you can print and fill them out by hand.
  • A Responsible Party/Agent Summary Sheet must be completed and accompany your entry applications.
  • One Responsible Party/Agent Summary Sheet is required for each ranch, farm or other entity responsible for their horse entry applications.
  • Submit one entry application for each horse in each department you wish to enter it in along with a copy of the horses’ registration papers and appropriate membership cards. If a horse is entered in two (2) departments, two (2) entry applications must be submitted.
  • When completed, simply print, sign and mail documents with a check or money order to: FWSSR - P.O. Box 150 Fort Worth, TX 76101-0150. Credit card payments WILL NOT be accepted for entry related fees submitted by mail.

We’re honored you choose to exhibit at our legendary show and will work hard to make your experience enjoyable. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need assistance at (817) 877-2400 – ask to speak to the Horse Department. Thank you for entering your horses with our Show.

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